Confidently into the year 2022
Also in 2021, the Corona pandemic turned all planning upside down, whether in the private or professional environment or also at HITA e.V. We could only communicate with our partner organizations and partners in Ghana via virtual channels – by phone, video conference or e-mail. A work trip was not possible. The beginning of 2021 was the only chance to work together on the ground with our partners in the Volta region (Ghana) to achieve our goals. In addition to setting up several computer workrooms, so-called computer labs, we were able to initiate a school partnership locally in the city of Ho, as well as provide direct assistance in the form of clinic equipment and distribution of school bags to schoolgirls from needy families.
This school partnership is now bearing fruit. The partner school in Germany, the Carlo Mierendorff School in Frankfurt am Main, sends dressing materials and hygiene products to the Mawuko Girl’s Senior High School in Ho, Ghana. Just in time for Christmas, students are collecting donations, and diligently packing packages for the students and staff for the school in the Volta region. A dedicated team is planning partnership activities for the upcoming school year.
The impact of Covid-19 in Ghana is particularly noticeable in public and social life. In addition to the spread of misinformation and sometimes contradictory instructions from the government, which have led to general uncertainty, the population continues to suffer from exploding unemployment and an increase in the price of everyday goods, including hygiene items.
At the beginning of the pandemic, HITA e.V. received reports from partners in Ghana in several video conferences that many young women could no longer afford articles for menstrual hygiene. Students at the HITA partner school „Mawuko Girls Senior High School“ are thus restricted in their freedom, especially during their period. HITA members who provided a small amount of direct assistance to these students through privately sent hygiene kits are now being supported by the partner school. To the delight of the donors, the packages arrived quickly and intact in Ghana.
Corona-related, but still also due to personal challenges in circles of active HITA members, not all planned activities and initiatives could be tackled this year.
We are all the more pleased about the committed cooperation with a local non-governmental organization (NGO), which is working in Ghana for equal opportunities and equal rights through education on the understanding of roles and thus also for health care. Workshops, role plays and the targeted provision of information via modern communication media are used for this purpose. This collaboration between Healthcare IT for Africa e.V. (Germany), the Grow Your Dream Foundation (Ghana) and the Schmitz Foundations (Germany) appreciates your support.
Read more details about our activities and cooperations on our homepage Here, too, you can be curious. In the coming year, the projects and partners of HITA e.V. will appear in a new look.
The HITA Board of Directors looks forward to your cooperation. Whether it’s in the area of project management, communication, or finding other funding opportunities, anyone can get actively involved.
Here you can find an annual calendar for the year 2022. On it you can find the German holidays as well as the Ghanaian holidays. If a printout from your home printer is not enough for you, you have the option of having calendars sent to your home. Please send your request – also for large print runs for your circle of friends or colleagues – to Daniel Gerlach (
HITA – the perfect gift!
No matter if it’s Christmas or a birthday. Give your loved ones meaningful gifts together with HITA e.V. Whether with a donation for a hygiene package to our partner school, with a donation for the equipment of an IT workstation at a partner school in Africa or with a HITA membership you / you can give joy several times. Take this opportunity to contact us at:
…and also if you buy gifts elsewhere, you can support HITA e.V.. Whenever you place an order with Amazon, you can support HITA e.V. with 0.5% of your sales – easily and free of charge for you via the „AmazonSmiles“ program. By selecting „Healthcare IT for Africa e.V.“ as the addressee, this donation will end up at HITA e.V. Thank you! Instructions can be found here:
We wish you and your families happy holidays and a good year 2022. Stay healthy and confident. Join HITA e.V. in working toward meaningful sustainable goals in the coming year!
Your HITA e.V. Board.
Thomas Erkert, Daniel Schleßmann, Günther Michels, Karsten Gareis, Daniel Gerlach
Only together we can make it!
Healthcare IT for Africa e.V. (HITA e.V., is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. HITA e.V. is an association of experts from the fields of education, development cooperation, health care, business administration, management and information technology, all of whom work on a voluntary basis.
HITA e.V. has been implementing educational projects for vocational schools, as well as telemedicine and infrastructure projects for the health sector since 2009. The focus is currently on the rural areas of Ghana.
As a non-profit, non-governmental organization, HITA e.V.’s vision is to help optimize the professional education of non-physician personnel with the help of eHealth and mHealth technologies. These are forms of learning that use electronic or digital media for the presentation and distribution of learning materials, with the option of using portable devices such as smartphones or tablets.
The goal of HITA e.V. is the sustainable improvement of health care and quality of life in rural areas of Africa.
Healthcare IT for Africae.V.
c/o iDiaZ GmbH
Theodor-Klotzbücher-Strasse 12D
97980Bad Mergentheim
Phone: +49-(0)7931-1204010
Fax: +49-(0)7931-120 40 11