03/31/2023 Travel Report 7, Ghana Trip
Today was a crucial day for our work here in the Bono region, the „food baskets“ (the granary) of Ghana – we are signing the official Memorandum of Understanding between the Catholic University of Ghana in Fiabre, Sunyani and HITA e.V. today. This Memorandum of Understanding sets out both our common goals and the respective responsibilities, up to and including the pro-rata assumption of costs for projects by the respective partners.
At 9:00 (German Time) this signing should take place. We had chosen this early date because this way Birgit Meyers-Carow could also participate before her departure. On the way from the hotel to the university, Mark told us that he had organized everything in such a way that all the invitees would actually be there on time. And indeed, everyone was there. Unfortunately, our long-time companion and our first Ghanaian association member Prof. Prudence Mwini-Nyaledzigbor was absent for the actual signing. She hasn’t really been feeling well for days now.
After an official welcome by Vice Chancelor Professor Daniel Obeng-Ofori on the part of the Ghanaian host university and Thomas Erkert and Daniel Gerlach as representatives of HITA eV, we presented our common goals, namely the establishment of a training hub here at the Catholic University. For this purpose, we want to establish a large computer lab together with the ICT department in order to improve the education of the students. After the opening speeches, the actual signing of the papers was done rather quickly. After the signing and much applause from those present, we still exchanged host gifts with each other.
Much more important then were the best organized PR activities.
In addition to representatives of a radio station and two news agencies, photographers and representatives of online agencies were also present. The hustle and bustle was huge until all photo requests could be fulfilled. Especially the students and nurses present kept wanting selfies with all of us.
Great was our joy when Professor Prudence was able to appear after all. We take this opportunity to reiterate to Professor Obeng-Ofori that the origins of our efforts here in Sunyani are rooted in our long-standing trusting relationship with Professor Prudence.
At the end of this well organized event we were allowed to give several interviews to the media representatives. After Daniel and Thomas had answered the well-prepared and also for us extremely interesting questions, we took the opportunity to involve our club member Prof. Prudence. She described from her point of view how she met Thomas and how she has been working together with HITA e.V. on various projects ever since.
Like us, she hopes that our cooperation will last for many years and that today is just the beginning of a long and intensive cooperation. She is looking forward to many interesting projects! There is actually nothing to add from our side! Maybe only so much: get well soon Prudence and thank you for the many years of great cooperation.