Telework 2016 – 11.International ITA workshop in Lima!

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Unser HITA Experte Karsten Gareis nahm letzes Jahr vom 23. bis zum 25. November als Redner mit seinem Vortrag „mLearning for Nurses and Midwives in Ghana“ am 11. Telework Kongress 2016 in Lima teil. Die Präsentation in PDF und als Powerpoint steht hier zur Ansicht und zum Download bereit:

–  Präsentation – Karsten Gareis -Telework 2016_- Powerpoint [english]

–  Präsentation – Karsten Gareis – Telework 2016_- PDF [english]

–  Presentación – Karsten Gareis – Telework 2016 – PDF [espanol]


International Telework Academy: The International Telework Academy leads since 1996 international academic events and workshops created to promote research on telework and other forms of work in order to generate an important exchange between researchers and teleworkers worldwide. The above Workshops have been held in London, Amsterdam, Turku, Tokyo, Stockholm, Badajoz, Sao Paulo, Krakow, Crete, Lisbon, Magdalena, Costa Rica, Buenos Aires, etc. A result of them has been publishing and editing of books of high academic standards, in addition to an official statement that includes the basic guidelines on telework that are collected during the event moving several recommendations on various aspects or axes that have been defined for the future of the promotion of telework in the world. The event featured speakers and international representatives from around the world who share their experiences and research on trends that are currently living on telework worldwide participate. The Telework is configured as the most important international academic event on telework and new ways of working, becoming the point of convergence of the main studies, trends, multidisciplinary approaches and research about telework as well as a reference on the subject in the world.



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Die Fotos sind von den Workshops der vorherigen Jahre.

