13 November 2023 - We celebrate with you! Mawuko Girls' turns 40

Our partner school, the E. P. C. Mawuko Girls Senior High School (Mawuko) in Ho Ghana, is celebrating its 40th anniversary from November 13 - 18, 2023. Almost 4 years ago, we at HITA e.V. and the Carlo Mierendorff School (CMS) entered into a partnership with our friends in Ho, Ghana. As we are unfortunately not able to be there in person, we have prepared something special for the anniversary! We have prepared greetings for you, which we have posted on the HITA YouTube channel.
  1. Message of greeting from Thomas Erkert, Chairman of HITA e.V. https://youtu. be/srp_vrJgxyM
  2. Message of greeting from Daniel Gerlach, Chairman of HITA e.V. https://youtu. be/yICxTcWnECk
  3. Let's celebrate! Daniel and Thomas remember! https://youtu.be/RomJGwRH2EI
  4. Message from co-initiator Petra Knott, teacher at the Carlo Mierendorff School https://youtube.com/shorts/5avicu_o5fA?feature=share
  5. Introduction of Petra Knott https://youtube.com/shorts/RcMFBEIUOsc?feature=share
  6. Message from Caro Franz, teacher at the Carlo Mierendorff School https://youtu.be/55xbgAdLkK0
  7. Message of greeting from Dörte Netzer of the Carlo Mierendorff School https://youtu.be/hALCkxcstSA
  8. Message from the principal Christian Schlag of Carlo Mierendorff School https://youtu.be/uD3iyipqXWc
  9. Message from the pupils of the Carlo Mierendorff School https://youtube.com/shorts/pp_lSA0l7PY?feature=share
  10. Message from Boris Riege, Head of MOU course https://youtu.be/zzDgGb8PmfA
  11. Birthday cake and cake eating - https://youtu.be/abB8CtXB7Cg

Students of the CMS greet the Mawuko

And to mark our 40th anniversary, we also have a special gift! We at HITA and the Carlo Mierendorff School would like to give you a computer for every year of your existence! This means that we are equipping you with another computer lab with 40 computers. This time, for the first time, students from your partner school will be preparing the computers for you under the guidance of HITA and CMS experts. We would like to install the anniversary computer lab at Mawuko next year.

The logos of the partners