Midwifery and Health Assistant Training School – Tepa

Midwifery and Health Assistant Training School Tepa

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The Midwifery and Health Assistant Training School in Tepa is one of the poster education facilities of the ministry of health (MoH) in Ghana. At this school and as well at the center in Kintampo the pilot projects for the HITA and Vodafone “mobile for good” programme are running. The school is located in the Ashanti Region and is built up on a broad estate. There is as well a second campus and a bus shuttle which is running between the two areals and the accommodation rooms where some of the students stay who are not sleeping directly on the campus.

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Till the end of summer semester 2014 the facility hosted about 630 students, but or the following semester they are expecting 400 new applicants. At the moment the education and the learning situation is very unadequate for a school which has to train future life savers – like for all the other midwifery and healt assistant schools throughout the country. They have nearly no space for giving classes, around 150 to 200 students per class is the normal size at the moment and the new students haven´t even arrived. The buildings are not enough and neither the staff. They prepare to improvise with a temporary usage of the dining hall and the library for classrooms.

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Some time ago they finished new buildings for the staff. But this will not solve the problem of constriction and the cramped living together without any private space for the students in their dorms and as well in the learning situations in the class room. In rooms with about 40 square meters there are living about 20 students together, that´s around 2 square meter per student, where they have to live, to sleep and to learn. The other accommodation buildings in the surrounding are nearly the same. At the school there are working at the moment 12 tutors and the principal, there is additional staff for the kitchen and the food preparation, for driving jobs and maintainance work. But there are definitly not enough educational employees, 24 – that means double the amount would be adequate. On the second campus there are temporary class rooms as well, which get used for the educational seminars. But the shuttle between the two facilities makes planing during the day difficult and it takes time. As well for the students the whole situation, which should be a very motivative learning atmosphere, is instead aligned with a lot of stress and effort. In the end the necessary budget is missing to built up the school to an adequate level. However the school ensures with the finances they have to feed the students throughout the day and give them a place to sleep. Nevertheless the school needs new classrooms and additional accommodation buildings for the students and staff, to provide an surrounding on the required level of teaching and learning which is needed.

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At the Midwifery and Health Assistant Training School Tepa – as well called M/HATS –  works one of the participants of the HITA midwifery exchange project 2014. Afua Sarpong together with Sandra Opoku from HATS Teshie took part on the programme and went to Germany from April till July 2014. There they did several internships, one was at the Charité hospital in Berlin, they went to several meetings, congresses like the International Midwifery Day in Prague and took part at a lot of different workshops. But the connective task between the countries and the project is the work and the development of an e-learning platform together with a German midwife and a German nurse. In the second part of the project, the south phase, they are continue working on the design and development of the platform and for the usage of it for learning and teaching improvment. With the help of companies like the Vodafone Foundation the implementation of this information technology device could be finished soon and get started in using. Here you can listen to the interviews of the midwife diary and of other projects HITA Radio Audioplatform.

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Here you can find interviews with the principal Victoria Amoha, some of the tutors and a group discussion with students from the school. As well there is a little video from a walk through the campus with Afua Sarpong, she explains the area, and you can find all contact information below.

Here is a little video about a short overview of the campus:


As  first-tier training institution, MTS/HATS Tepa  will  be a pilot implementation site itself, and also coordinate all pilot activities at the two assigned second-tier institutions



Adresse_Grafix Adress:  P. O. Box 41 Tepa, Tepa Ashanti / Principal Victoria Amoah

Email: Victoria Amoah –  victoriaamoah@yahoo.com  /  Deputy Principal Collins Atta Poku  –  attapokucollins@yahoo.com  /  IT-Tutor Daniel Opoku  –  danielopokumensah@yahoo.co.uk

Phone: +233 20 98 78 070  oder  +233 24 31 68 768  /  Deputy Principal Collins Atta Poku – Telefon: +233243638618

fb_icon_325x325 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HATSTepa