HITA on the way to Ghana!
On March 21, HITA board member Thomas Erkert and HITA expert Karsten Gareis started a 10-day trip to Ghana, which serves as a preparatory phase for a project application within the framework of an EU tender. The project idea aims to test e-, mobile- and blended-learning approaches in rural areas of Ghana and to investigate their impact on actual service delivery. Karsten Gareis, a long time HITA supporter and Thomas Erkert plan during this trip on the one hand to meet and inform as many potential project partners from the research sector as possible and on the other hand to make a pre-selection of potential participating schools together with the Ministry of Health (MOH). Workshops are planned in Accra and at sites in rural areas in western and northern Ghana, with Tamale, Kintampo, Tepa and Sefwi Wiawso on the agenda. Karsten Gareis tells us in an interview about the arrival and the first part of the journey, the detailed route with the exact location of the individual stations can be found on the graphic.