HITA Radio has moved!
We unfortunately reached the maximum upload limit of 2 hours on Soundcloud and would have to pay for uploading more material. Since we don't have any money and put the existing one into the projects for development aid, we moved to the audio platform "Hearthis.at", which offers better conditions for starters, young artists and few posters (but going beyond 2 hours). Here we can upload as much as we want for free, fees are only incurred after a call number of over 5000 clicks. That should be enough for now.
On the new platform you will find the old interviews, new discussions with HITA chair Hildegard Mackert, founder Thomas Erkert offers an insightful history of the association, EU applicant Karsten Gareis is in conversation, new interviews about the midwife diary and contributions from ASA fellows who will travel to Ghana for new projects are also online.