Annual reports

Every year, HITA e.V. publishes a report on the association’s work. The annual reports contain reports on the projects carried out in the respective year at home and abroad, as well as information on the association. Reports for the last few years have been compiled for you here.


Installation of computer labs in four schools in Ho | repair and expansion of the eLearning infrastructure at SONAM, Ho | Start of the cooperation with the local NGO GrowYourDream | Distribution of 80 HITA-sponsored school backpacks to needy girls in Adaklu | COVID-19 emergency aid: masks & hygiene items for schoolgirls | Start of cooperation with Mannheim University of Applied Sciences


Start of cooperation with four general education schools in Ho | Second major campaign to collect IT equipment and medical devices for Ghana incl. Container Shipping | Winner “Hessian Environmental School 2018/2019” | Preparing to install computer labs in four schools in Ho


Implementation of the campus WLAN and the computer lab at SONAM | Start of the evaluation of the project success | Start of cooperation with Carlo Mierendorff School, Frankfurt | Enthronement of HITA board member Thomas Erkert as “Development Chief” of Adaklu-Hasu | HITA and Togbe Lablulu, traditional chief of Adaklu-Waya agree to work together


MoU with School of Nursing and Midwifery (UHAS-SONAM) in Ho | Preparation and design of the planned implementation of a WLAN and a computer lab at SONAM | Fundraiser to collect usable IT equipment | Planning of shipping the equipment by container