Support HITA e.V. with your donation, membership or cooperation!

As a non-profit, non-governmental organization, it is the vision of Healthcare IT for Africa e.V. (HITA e.V.) to use eHealth and mHealth technologies to contribute to the innovation of vocational education and to improve healthcare.

Become a part of HITA e.V.! Help to increase the quality of training and further education for medical staff in the healthcare sector.

HITA e.V. implements educational projects for vocational schools, telemedicine and infrastructure projects for the health sector with a focus on rural areas in Ghana. Become a part of HITA e.V. In order to achieve the greatest possible success, HITA e.V. is supported not only by its members but also by experts and sponsors and cooperates with selected partners.

Tax-deductible cash donation

HITA e.V., IBAN: DE86 6907 0024 0050 6006 00, BIC: DEUTDEDB690

With your donation you can support the projects of HITA e.V. In addition to the voluntary work, a round-trip flight to Africa for an expert, for example, costs around €1,000.

Or make a relevant donation: Together with HITA e.V., implement the development of learning platforms for technical colleges or the Internet connection of schools. An amount of €5,000 enables a project to connect 5 schools for one year. You are welcome to be listed as a donor in the schools’ computer labs!

Support HITA e.V. with online shopping or through crowdfunding

Start your online purchase via the HITA e.V. profile page on the WeCanHelp platform: HITA e.V. receives proportional support without incurring any additional costs.

Here you will also find HITA e.V.’s current crowdfunding project, which you can support with your monetary donation, your charity SMS or with your online purchase.

If you are a customer of the online retailer Amazon, then always shop via, select Healthcare IT for Africa e.V. based in Konstanz, BW and support HITA e.V. at no extra cost. For every purchase made via or in the app with the AmazonSmile function activated, Amazon passes on 0.5% of the sum of your qualifying purchases.

Small donation to HITA e.V. via charity SMS

You can donate to HITA e.V. via SMS via the WeCanHelp platform. The amount goes directly into the crowdfunding account of HITA e.V.! For a €5 donation, send an SMS with the content GIB5 478467002 to the number 81190.

An additional transaction fee of €0.17 is charged for the SMS. If there is no return SMS, the amount could not be booked. Reasons for this are: a) Insufficient credit on prepaid cards, b) Premium SMS services are blocked in the mobile phone contract.
For more information, see

Become a member of HITA e.V

The association welcomes anyone who wants to get involved in the association and wants to get actively involved! But passive membership also supports our project work through the financial membership fee. Become a member of HITA e.V. for as little as €5 per month!

There are the following options for membership in HITA e.V.:

Full Membership – €60.00/year

Reduced membership for pupils, students, Hartz IV recipients and pensioners – €30.00/year

Supporting membership for companies and organizations – €250.00/year

Please use the registration form [link einfügen]. Please email us the completed application for membership of HITA e.V, as a fax +49 700 69 71 26 49 oder per Post an:

Healthcare IT for Africa e.V. (HITA e.V.)

c/o iDiaZ GmbH

Theodor-Klotzbücher-Straße 12

97980 Bad Mergentheim


If you work with HITA e.V., you will become an expert!

Would you like to improve medical care for people in rural areas of Ghana? Would you like to tell other people about the work of HITA e.V. and inspire them to get involved? Would you like to actively support the work of HITA e.V.? Then you are actively involved in increasing the quality of training and further education for medical staff in the healthcare sector.

HITA e.V. would not be conceivable without the commitment of many. Our experts donate their expertise and time. Do you work in the fields of education, development cooperation, healthcare or information technology? Take a look who has supported HITA e.V. so far and follow the example of our experts [link zu Expertinnen und Experten einfügen].

If you are interested in our projects, a possible cooperation or participation in our association, simply send us an email

Become a sponsor!

Sponsors support the activities of the recognized non-profit association HITA e.V. with monetary or material donations. The support of various sponsors makes the work of HITA e.V. possible. Visit our sponsors.

The conditions in the Ghanaian clinics cannot be compared to Western standards. There is a lack of basic equipment and often also of small things. For this we need your help! Please support us with donations in kind for the clinics in Ghana and monetary donations to finance the transport.

Possible course of the fundraiser:

  • Bereitstellung eines Containers in Frankfurt.
  • Delivery of the donations or collection of donations with the small van (against an additional donation of money).
  • Completion of customs formalities in Frankfurt.
  • Transport to the port / shipment to Ghana.
  • The container is received by an employee of a partner organization in Ghana.
  • Distribution of donations to selected healthcare or educational institutions.

The need for donations to ensure the basic equipment is great! If you would like to support with donations in kind, please contact HITA e.V: on:

Are you interested? Contact us!

Hildegard C. Mackert is your contact for questions about donations, support options and membership.
