Workshops in Ghana 2017

From March 6 to 16, a HITA team (consisting of Thomas Erkert and Karsten Gareis) traveled to Kenya and Ghana for a series of activities. The specific occasion was the preparation of two project proposals to be submitted by April 11 and 25, respectively, under the EU's Horizon2020 research funding program. Health5Health2Health7
The trip had the following objectives:
  • Attending one of the most important pan-African conferences on modernization of healthcare to get an update on the state of the art in the use of eLearning and mLearning in the healthcare sector in Africa;
  • Discussion with AMREF, an influential African non-governmental organization headquartered in Nairobi, which has its focus on interventions at the interface of health and education, with the aim of agreeing on collaborations e.g. in the framework of the mentioned Horizon2020 project proposals;
  • Discussions with the team of Dr. Robert Kaba, Head of Department, UHAS to further develop and approve the content of Horizon2020 project proposals and initiate further activities to deepen the cooperation between HITA and UHAS;
  • Discussion with the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Accra to ensure that the excellent collaborative relationship will be maintained or further deepened under the new government elected in December 2016;
  • Visit to and discussion with Ghana's leading Innovation Hub / Business Incubator, ImpactHub (Accra), to agree on participation in the two Horizon2020 project proposals.

>>> Click here for the detailed travel report