Statutes of the association “Health Care Information Technologies for Africa e.V.”
§ 1 Name, seat
(A) The association bears the name “HITA – Health Care Information Technologies for Africa”. It was entered in the register of associations in Konstanz. Since the
The association carries the name with the addition “e.V.”. (Since 2020, after moving, the association has been listed in the Freiburg Register of Associations under the number VR
380 930 registered).
(B) The association is based in Bad Mergentheim. (since 2019)
§ 2 Purpose of the association
(A) The purpose of the association is to promote education and qualifications in connection with the use of Health Care Information Technologies
(IT) especially in hard-to-reach regions of Ghana. It’s all about
1. The qualification of medical-technical staff with regard to the implementation, further development and maintenance of adequate IT
Applications in medical care.
2. the qualification of medical staff for the proper use of suitable IT for medical services.
3. Empowering medical professionals to continuously develop and deliver medical content for electronic media
for use in medical care.
(B) Another purpose of the association is to raise public awareness of the complex medical problems in Ghana and the potential of IT
based solutions in the medical environment, as long as they are adapted to the everyday clinical reality in Ghana. The realization of
Statutory purposes are carried out in particular by:
1. The establishment and operation of a “HITA school” for the qualification of medical-technical personnel.
2. Organizing and aligning training events and seminars on health-IT specific topics for health employees
3. the training and further education of pedagogical employees for the HITA school and further education company
4. The construction of a technical infrastructure and platform as a basis for suitable IT applications, especially in regions that are difficult to access
of Ghana.
5. The establishment of a scientific institute that continuously deals with the requirements, needs and requirements of Health IT im
health care in Africa and thus valid input for technical development and implementation of adequate health care IT
and for curriculum development.
6. The planning and execution of health care IT projects in cooperation with local associations and initiatives aimed at improving the
health care in Ghana.
§ 3 Non-profit status
(A) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code
(AO). He is selflessly active and does not primarily pursue his own economic purposes.
(B) The association’s funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive any allowances from the funds
of the club. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purposes of the association or by disproportionately high
remuneration. Volunteers are only entitled to reimbursement of proven expenses.
§ 4 Membership
(A) Members of the association can be:
1. Natural persons who have reached the age of majority
2. legal entities
(B) To obtain membership, a written or electronic application for membership must be sent to the Executive Board. The board decides in
discretion about the application for admission and is not obliged to provide information about the reasons in the event of rejection.
(C) The members are entitled to have their interests represented within the association and externally.
(D) Each member is obliged to comply with the association’s statutes and other regulations of the association within the scope of their activities in the association.
(E) The members are obliged to pay contributions and admission fees, the amount and due date of which are determined by a separate
contribution regulation, which is to be decided by the general assembly.
(F) The Executive Board can waive membership fees in whole or in part in individual cases.
(G) Persons who have promoted the purposes of the association to an exceptional degree can by resolution of the general meeting
be appointed honorary members. Honorary members are exempt from the obligation to pay membership fees.
§ 5 Termination of Membership
(A) Membership ends upon resignation, expulsion or death of a member.
(B) The withdrawal from the association can take place subject to a notice period of three months. The Board of Directors must be informed of the resignation by means of a written
(C) If a member culpably violates the interests of the association in a gross manner, he or she can be excluded from the association by resolution of
the board. These exist in particular
1. in the case of gross violations of a member’s obligations arising from the articles of association, of resolutions and orders of the association’s bodies
or of the interests of the association.
2. In the event of grossly dishonorable conduct,
the Executive Board must give the member the opportunity to comment orally or in writing before the resolution is passed. The decision of
the board of Directors is to be justified in writing and sent to the member. The member can appeal against the decision at the general
assembly. The appeal must be lodged with the Executive Board within one month of receipt of the resolution. The board of directors
must convene a general assembly within one month after the timely submission of the appeal, which then decides on the exclusion with a simple
(D) In the case of default of payment and two unsuccessful reminders, an exclusion can also take place.
(E) Members who leave the association are not entitled to shares in the association’s assets. Further claims against the association
must be asserted and justified within six months of termination of membership.
§ 6 Organs of the association
Organs of the association are:
1. General Assembly
2. Board of Directors
§ 7 General Assembly
(A) The General Assembly is the highest organ of the association. In particular, you are responsible for:
1. acceptance of the annual report of the Board of Directors
2. the discharge of the board
3. the approval of the budget
4. acceptance and approval of the auditor’s report
5. the determination of membership fees
6. the election and dismissal of the members of the Board of Directors
7. the election of the cash auditor
8. confirmation of the members of the association management appointed by the board
9. passing resolutions on changes to the Articles of Association
10. passing resolutions on the appointment of honorary members
11. the resolution on the dissolution of the association
(B) In the General Assembly, each member has one vote.
(C) The ordinary general meeting takes place at least once a year.
(D) The General Assembly is convened by the Executive Board with a notice period of 4 weeks by means of a written or electronic invitation to all members
with notification of the agenda.
(E) An extraordinary general meeting is to be convened if twenty percent of the members request it. The request is in writing
or electronically, stating the reasons, to the Management Board. An extraordinary general meeting can be convened at any time
if this is in the interest of the association.
(F) Any member may submit motions to the General Assembly. These must be received by the board of directors in writing or electronically up to
14 days before the meeting. The General Assembly decides on the approval of the applications.
(G) The chairperson leads the general assembly, in his/her absence the deputy chairperson. If this is also prevented
the general meeting determines a chairperson with a simple majority of the votes.
(H) If a member present objects to the open vote, this must be done in writing and secretly.
(I) Resolutions are passed by simple majority; a majority of 2/3 of the participants in the meeting is required to change the articles of association; to the
dissolution of the association requires a majority of 3⁄4 of the members present. The gathering is without regard to the number of
members present are quorate. A full member can represent up to two other full members when voting,
the assignment must be made in writing.
(J) Minutes must be taken of general meetings and signed by the chairperson and
the secretary.
(K) The General Assembly can decide to set up further organs. At the suggestion of the board of directors, it can appoint a managing director
to manage the association’s business. The managing director can work on a voluntary or full-time basis.
§ 8 The Board of Directors
(A) The board consists of at least 3 persons
(B) The chairperson and his/her deputy form the board within the meaning of Section 26 of the German Civil Code. Each board member is solely entitled to represent
the association in and out of court. Im Innenverhältnis gilt, dass die Vertretungsbefugnis der/des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden nur dann internally, the power of representation
of the deputy chairperson only comes into play if the 1st chairperson is unable to attend. A board member assumes the role of Schat
zmeisters / the treasurer.
(C) The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. After the end of their term of office, the board
remains in office until a new board is elected. If one of its members resigns before the end of the term of office, the Executive Board can appoint
a temporary representative.
(D) Members of the Board of Directors must have reached the age of 18.
(F) The board of directors manages the business of the association. In particular, he has the following tasks:
1. Preparation and convening of the general assembly;
2. Execution of the resolutions of the general assembly;
3. Preparation of the association’s budget, bookkeeping and annual accounts;
4. Resolution on the admission of new members and the exclusion of members according to § 5 paragraph 3;
5. Administration and statutory use of the association’s assets.
(G) The chairperson invites to the meetings of the board of directors in writing or electronically at least 14 days in advance, enclosing the agenda
for the meetings.
(H) The Board of Directors has a quorum after a proper invitation and if 2/3 of the members are present. Decisions become easier with
majority of votes taken. Resolutions of the board of directors are recorded and signed by a board member and the secretary.
(I) The Executive Board gives itself rules of procedure.
§ 9 Advisory Board
(A) An Advisory Board can be formed to advise and support the Executive Board. The members of the Advisory Board are then appointed and dismissed
by the Executive Board as necessary.
(B) The Advisory Board consists of at least 4 and at most 8 members. The number is determined by the Board of Directors. The advisory board elects a chairman and
his deputy from among its members.
(C) The Advisory Board meets at least once a year. The meetings are convened in writing by the chairman or his deputy with a notice
period of 14 days. This can be waived in urgent cases.
(D) Resolutions are passed at the meeting. The Advisory Board has a quorum if at least half of the members attend the meeting
after proper invitation. Resolutions require a majority of the votes cast. In a tie vote, the Chairman shall be
decisive. At the request of the chairman, resolutions can also be made in writing, by telephone or electronically.
(E) The members of the Board of Directors may attend the meeting of the Advisory Board.
(F) The resolutions of the Advisory Board are of a recommendatory nature for the Executive Board.
§ 10 financial year, cash audit
(A) The financial year of the association is the calendar year.
(B) The general meeting elects two cash auditors for a period of two years who may not be members of the board.
(C) The cash auditor examines the cash register of the association as well as the books and receipts factually and mathematically once a year and reports to
the board. The cash auditor reports to the general meeting and applies for the discharge of the treasurer and the board of directors
if the audit is proper.
§ 11 Financing
(A) The association is financed by grants, membership fees, donations and grants.
(B) The use of funds can be regulated in detail by a financial regulation. The board of directors can make such a decision.
§ 12 Dissolution of the association
(A) The dissolution of the association can only be resolved by a general assembly convened specifically for this purpose with a 3⁄4 majority of the
votes cast. At least 3⁄4 of all voting members must be present at this general meeting.
(B) In the event of dissolution or annulment of the association or if its previous purpose ceases to exist, the assets of the association shall pass
to a corporation under public law or to a corporation recognized as being particularly tax-privileged for the purpose of use
for charitable purposes within the meaning of § 2 of these statutes or to ” Doctors Without Borders”, Berlin, Am
Köllnischer Park 1.
§ 13 Final Provisions
The statutes take precedence over all guidelines and decisions of the association.
Constance, May 11th 2011
Appendix 1: Attendance list
Signatures of the founding members
Appendix 2: Schedule of Fees
The fee schedule of the association was decided on May 11th, 2011 by the founding assembly as follows:
1. Membership Fee. The regular membership fee is EUR 60.00 per natural person and year. The reduced fee for students and
30.00 euros per year. The fee for legal entities is EUR 250.00. These contributions are minimum contributions, each member can post
pay a higher premium at their own discretion.
2. Method of payment. Membership dues are due by January 31st. of a year for the current year or will be collected in January after the direct debit authorization
has been granted. If you join the association in the course of the calendar year, it must be paid by the last day of the first full calendar month after joining or will
be collected pro rata in that month.
3. Account Connection. The association keeps its account with Deutsche Bank:
BLZ.: 69070024
Account: 050 6006 00
IBAN: DE86 6907 0024 0050 6006 00