Healthcare Information Technologies for Africa e.V. (HITA e.V.)
Healthcare Information Technologies for Africa e.V. is an association of experts from the fields of education, development cooperation, health care, business administration, management and information technology, all of whom work on a voluntary basis.
HITA e.V. has been implementing educational projects for vocational schools, as well as telemedicine and infrastructure projects for the health sector since 2009. The focus is currently on the rural areas of Ghana.
As a non-profit, non-governmental organization, the vision of HITA e.V. is to use eHealth and mHealth technologies to help optimize the professional training of non-medical staff. The goal of HITA e.V. is the sustainable improvement of health care in rural areas of Africa.
In all HITA e.V. projects, the focus is on the local partners! For sustainable success, HITA e.V. is supported by experts in Ghana and Germany and cooperates with local partners.
HITA e.V. has set up computer labs in well over 20 schools for nurses and midwives in Ghana. Teachers and students were empowered to use, maintain and expand them independently. A particular success is the inclusion of these activities in the training curricula of several schools. Modern e-learning elements are therefore a matter of course today in these training facilities for nurses and midwives. This is particularly important because there is a lack of printed teaching and teaching materials, both in schools and, above all, in the private environment of the trainees.
The non-profit association is proud that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were founded on the basis of our training measures in the IT area. These are now independently able to maintain and expand the IT infrastructure of the schools previously managed by HITA for a fee. HITA e.V. supports the training of non-medical staff in Ghana.
The aim is to improve health care, especially in places where there are only a few doctors. The aim is to improve health care, especially in places where there are only a few doctors. HITA e.V. is convinced that success can be achieved and secured in the long term.
The concept of HITA e.V.
The thirst for knowledge of the students, the teachers and the on-site nursing staff, the good networking of the active members of the association, strong partners and sponsors, an interdisciplinary team of experts, the direct commitment of many Ghanaian institutions and authorities and the very focused projects are success factors and guarantors for a best possible and sustainable use of all project funds and donations.

“Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come!” Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Advanced settings.
Make expertise available
Based on the results of scientific work and projects as well as various exploratory visits in Ghana, the activities of the association focus on projects that build on one another.
Educational projects
Mobile Library, Call2Learn, SMS2Learn, WEB2Learn, Nursing Wiki, Teacher Training, Bilateral Exchange of Midwives and Nurses
Infrastructure projects
Establishment of computer labs in well over 20 schools, establishment of intranets in schools
Projects within the framework of calls for tender from the European Communities
Promotion of the training of mental health nurses, promotion of efficient training in training institutions for midwives and nurses.
Donations of laptops, PCs, networks and presentation media, donations of medical equipment and furnishings for medical institutions. All sub-projects are intended to improve the health system in rural areas of Ghana and (in the longer term) Africa. Our educational projects are probably the quickest to realize – along with the fundraising campaigns.
The infrastructure projects are long-term. They serve to sustainably raise standards in education and training.

Selected Partners
Ministry of Health, Ghana (MoH)
Ghana Health Service (GHS)
Kintampo College of Health and Wellbeing
University of Health and Allied Sciences / School of Nursing and Midwifery
University for Development Studies Tamale
Jirapa Nursing/Midwifery Training College
Support HITA e.V. with your donation
Any small or large amount is helpful!
Spendenkonto HITA e.V.
Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE86 6907 0024 0050 6006 00
Become a member!
You want…
…make a personal long-term commitment?
…bring in their ideas and experiences?
…help directly?
Then become a member of HITA e.V. We look forward to seeing you!
Healthcare IT for Africa e.V.
c/o iDiaZ GmbH
Theodor-Klotzbücher-Straße 12
D-97980 Bad Mergentheim
Phone: +49 (7931) 120 40 10
Telefax: +49 (7931) 120 40 11
Association register no. VR 930 am Amtsgericht Konstanz
Tax number 09041/06558